FIFA 2010 – Match Graphics Replacement v0.5 chomikuj

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Nasz wietnamski kolega Duong postanowił chociaż trochę umilić grę wszystkim tym, których rozczarował produkt. W skład wersji beta 0.5 wchodzą następujące modyfikacje:

* nowy wygląd murawy 3D
* nowa tekstura murawy
* poprawione cienie zawodników oraz strojów
* zmodyfikowane oświetlenie murawy oraz zawodników
* bardziej rozbudowane efekty PostFX
* nowe oświetlenie w tunelu
* zmodyfikowany poziom detali oraz renderingu
* parametry oświetlenia dobrane do pory rozgrywania meczu

Opis ENG
– new 3D grass – shorter and sharper, with new texture
– new generic grass texture
– updated face shadows
– new kit shadows
– new grass lighting & shadows parameters
– new kits & players model lighting
– new in-game PostFX effects that will apply to both cinematics and normal match graphics
– new tunnel lighting
– level of details and render rate reconfiguration
– nach match time (sunny, overcast, sunset, night) has its own set of lighting parameters that are tuned to be as realistic as possible

The patch is available in three modes: Neutral Edition, Overbright „Silverscreen” Edition and Overbright „Vibrant” Edition.

1. Neutral Edition features lighting effects and colours that are relatively dull and easy on the eyes.

2. Overbright „Silverscreen” Edition features high-contrast, glossy and luminated lighting, together with a slight film-noire effect applied to match-time. This mode offers more dramatic and cinematographic visual effects, as well as a console-like feel to the game, as compared to Neutral Edition.

3. Overbright „Vibrant” Edition is pretty much identical to „Silverscreen”. However it features lighting qualities with high vibrancy – in other words, colourful – resembling those of live soccer matches rather than those from a console game.

There is also a fourth mode that restores your data to EA original, in the event that you are dissatisfied with the patch.

Rozmiar: 8.53 MiB

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